Designs with diverse materials

Here you can see designs with Momigara, the Japanese rice spelts, which is the most organic material at Greengabes. See also the Kozo sheets and the KEITA stickrope in use!

Over the years, we had various materials on Greengabes, which are not produced anymore, like Takenokawa, Sugigoromo and Kozo. 
As designers sent their works with these materials and as this is a gallery page, we decided to keep them here alive!

Again, thank you to all contributors and welcome to new ones!

Hana Ami Blumenschule Momigara Greengabes
Hana Ami Blumenschule Momigara Greengabes


Gabriele Kubo Momigara Greengabes
Gabriele Kubo Kozo Greengabes

Kozo, green
Gabriele Kubo, Japan

Gabriele Kubo Kozo Greengabes

Kozo, green
Gabriele Kubo, Japan

Gabriele Kubo Takenokawa Greengabes
Gabriele Kubo Sugigoromo Greengabes
Gabriele Kubo Sugigoromo Greengabes

Sara Gilstrap Kozo Greengabes
Robert Obermaier Takenokawa Greengabes
Robert Obermaier Takenokawa Greengabes
Robert Obermaier Takenokawa Greengabes

Lawrence Kwong Sugigoromo Greengabes
Lawrence Kwong KEITA stickrope Greengabes

KEITA stickrope
Lawrence Kwong, Australia

Lawrence Kwong KEITA stickrope Greengabes

KEITA stickrope
Lawrence Kwong, Australia

Lawrence Kwong KEITA stickrope Greengabes

KEITA stickrope
Lawrence Kwong, Australia